Well, I was up at midnight to check the weather, and there was zero wind. Got up at 2am and still calm. We should have left then. Up at 4:30, and out of the marina at 5:30, and the wind ramped up within 15 minutes of departure. Now it is blowing steady 20 knots, and gusting to 25. Amazingly, the ride is not too bad, with only 3' waves, and occasional big boy that causes lots of crashing noises around the boat. Paula did a good job of securing everything, but the big waves always find something to knock loose.
Other than that, it is a beautiful day. Sun is out, temp is only 69 degrees. Duke, the boat dog, is on his first long trip aboard. He is handling the rocking and rolling pretty well, especially since Mom is feeding him a steady stream of dog treats to keep his mind off it.
We are just passing Ship Island now. I hope to get across Mobile Bay before the wind really starts kicking up, as forecast. But that is a long way off. At our current speed of 6.5 knots we won't get there until around 5pm.
I presume you are east of Mobile now....?
We are at Ingram Bayou. Had hoped to be in your neck of the woods by now. Still dealing with boat issues, but hope to be back underway today.
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