Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Finally, a little progress!

Started the day off working through some suggestions from Balmar tech support on how to resolve my charging issue with the port alternator. A little re-wiring of the shunt circuit solved the issue. Wind has finally subsided to a tolerable level, so we were able to head out of our hidey-hole. We got a late start as we had to wait for my replacement video adapter to arrive. Anchored just off Bear Point Marina to await notification the package had arrived. I took the opportunity to have a nap. I needed it.

Finally, around 3:15 pm, the package arrived. We hopped in the dink and headed over to the marina. Paula went to the office to retrieve the package, and I filled a 5-gallon gas can with ethanol-free gas for the dink outboard. We were underway by 4:00 pm and on our way east, finally.

Weather was great, and we had a comfortable ride. Only serious wave action came from a dolphin excursion boat that blasted by us in the opposite direction. I made sure to thank him on the radio.

We arrived at Big Sabine Point around 8:00 pm, just as it was getting dark. I could see on the radar that it looked like another boat was anchored, but not at the good spot all the way in behind the point. As we approached, I could see that it was a very small sailboat with no lights. The mast was stepped, and I do not think there was even anyone aboard. Thank heavens for radar; otherwise I would never have been able to see the boat. As we proceeded further back, I picked up another target, and I could see a very faint light. Crap, it looks like someone is already in there. We continued to approach, and dropped anchor about 200 yards from the radar target. As soon we the anchor was down, the target started moving towards shore. It turns out there were a bunch of kids on the beach, and one out in some kind of canoe or kayak. Once we arrived, they moved much further down the beach. While I would have liked to move all the way in to the best anchorage, I did not feel like pulling the anchor back up. I was ready to stop for the day, and so was the Admiral.

After a wonderful hot meal prepared by the Admiral, and a sundowner (much after sundown), I am ready to head off to bed. This was the best day of our trip, if for no other reason than nothing broke, and I did not have to work on anything. We just had a very pleasant cruise to our next anchorage.


Unknown said...

Nice! Is that correct wording "dink", or is it supposed to be "dingy" that was auto corrected?

Unknown said...

No auto correct... dink is just shorthand for dinghy.