Sunday, November 14, 2010

Busy, busy....

We spent three days at the boat, getting lots of small projects done. Finally got a fuse panel installed on the dinghy, so we now have a functional electrical system. Installed navigation lights, as well as moved depth finder and bilge pump power feeds direct connection to battery over to the new fuse panel. Also, I finally fabricated a mounting block for the depth finder, so it does no live tie-wrapped to the handrail any more. Hard to believe this took Friday and Saturday to accomplish.

Sunday was spent painting the freezer, and areas of the engine room. Also installed new mini-blinds on the salon doors, something Paula has been asking me to do for months (years?). Tried to get the door to the forward stateroom to close more securely, but I just made the problem worse. Finally ended up just putting it back the way it was.

Since Alison and Scott are coming to spend a week aboard for Thanksgiving, I had to address some lighting issues in the forward stateroom, too. Remove one old 120v fixture, and repaired a 12v light that was broken by workers six months ago, while they were removing teak decks.


Unknown said...

I thought owning a boat was supposed to be relaxing? :)

Ken said...

Yah, right! :)